The River Tongue Language

 The River Tongue Language is made up of 18 letters, 9 of which are vowels and 9 of which are consonants. Learning the letters, their meanings, and the root words of River Tongue will be beneficial to your success in reading and writing in this language.

 NUMBERS, and counting in general

R.T.                              E.P.                                 E.T.M.                                   
    So, counting in River Tongue may appear simple upon first glance -but, reader beware, counting in River Tongue can be tricky business. Numbers 1 through 10 can be learned through simple memorization, but beyond this you will need to know some higher level math in order to count pass ten.     Why? Because, technically, numbers above ten don't exist in River Tongue. You must add, multiply, and use exponents in order to count higher than ten in River Tongue. 
For example, XuNu, the word for 'eleven' is actually translated as 10+1, which gives us eleven. Twelve is actually 10+2, and so on, and so forth. It is vital for you to know the River Tongue Words Bar, Sar, and Ai by heart in your counting endeavors. 

                Bar means '+' or 'add' in this context.

                Sar means 'x' or 'times' in this context. 
          and, Ai means '^' or 'to the power of ' in this context.

For example, the number 100 in River Tongue is 10^2 or ten to the power of 2, which is pronounced XuAiBu. To count one higher than this in River Tongue, we would add one, which is (10^2)+1 or ten to the power of 2, plus 1. This would equal 101 or XuAiBuBarNu in River Tongue. 

    What may become obvious after becoming familiar with this counting system is that basic math skills are not only necessary in order to count, but other functions such writing equations involving long division in River Tongue is almost impossible for the lay person. For this reason, those who grow up speaking River Tongue as their native language don't tend to have math skills above that of the second or third grade primary/elementary school level. 
    In most cases, the Northern River Valley (where River Tongue is commonly practiced and heard) is the most technological stunted area in all of Eelis NixWuAi when compared to its non-magical animal kingdom neighbors as a direct result of its general population unable to do or understand the most basic math and science comprehensions.
