Rus's Family
Rus was the one who originally convinced, not only his family, but all of the extended family to move from DevonShire to Aurora Mountain prior to the Aurora Mountain Fire. So, Rus's family, Kate's family, and Joey's family altogether moved to Aurora Mountain, leaving Marie in DevonShire.
Though Rus tried to convince Marie to go with them to Aurora Mountain, she refused because she didn't want to leave the home they built in DevonShire.
Rus was a very smart boy, even as a puppy. If you ask Marie, she will tell all about the times Rus could solve a rubik's cube in record time but would simply refuse to sit down and do his homework even though he could finish that in record time too if he really wanted to.
Kate's Family
Kate is Marie's daughter and second oldest. She is married to Dave and has two children of her own named (from left to right) Jenny and Jasper.Kate always has and always will be a country girl through and through. If you ask Marie, she will tell you all about how Kate as a young teenager would plan her future dream wedding to handsome ranch dog in cowboy hat for fun on long summer days when the sun was hot.
They would sit together on the porch listening to country and western music as Kate scrap booked away. And, Marie would tell you how she laughed when Kate came home with a leather jacket wearing, motorcycle riding, city corgi named Dave for a prom date -all the while the two of them swearing up and down that they were 'just friends'. She would then tell you how she know he was the one by the way Kate looked at him, and by the way he looked back at Kate. And finally, if you asked Marie one more time, she would tell you how she walked her own daughter down the aisle and gave her away on her wedding day in place of the father that neither Kate or any of her siblings ever had.
Joey's Family
Buttons is Marie's only grand-kitten. A cute kitten who loves her grand-dog Marie, Buttons loves to play with her adopted puppy cousins.
Joey worked as an paralegal for a law firm prior to moving to Aurora Mountain and Kulinski was a stay at home dad. Joey and Kulinski love karaoke and have a family fun night every Friday where the three of them play card games, board games, and sing show tunes via karaoke.
Marie and Joey visited each other often when they both lived in DevonShire. Joey was always very quiet as young puppy. If you ask Marie, she would tell you how Joey would spend his days reading books of all kinds all alone. He would constantly have a book in his paws no matter where he was, at school, at home, at friends, at the dinner table, at the grocery store, at birthday parties- more than anything, Joey loved to read the day away, all day, every day.

Jerry is from the Northern Hawk Plains and is a flying coach for young flyers at Rahtu Elementary School.
Jerry and Joy commute to work from their home in Woods River Village. Jerry and the family like to travel every spring and hold a big family fun road trip from Woods River Village to Hill Valley Village every year.
A road trip that passes by the Hawk Lakes, and passes through Hawk Lake Dragon City, Summer Hill City, and DevonShire.
Jerry and Joy used to stop by the Aurora Mountain Dragon City on these yearly trips prior to the Aurora Mountain Fire, but have stopped since that time. Jerry enjoys putting together puzzles, board games, games of chess and checkers, and solving riddles for fun. Jerry loves his job and finds fulfillment in working with young flyers, helping them grow and work hard to achieve their goals.
Joy, the brahma chicken, is the adopted mother of Jeff the giraffe and is married to the bearded vulture named Jerry.Joy commutes to work from her home in Woods River Village. Joy also works at Rahtu Elementary as the school nurse. Joy loves her job and finds fulfillment in working with and helping young people stay fit and healthy. Joy also enjoys bubble baths in her big jacuzzi tub, shoulder and neck massages, long relaxing days at the spa, getting her toe claws painted, and spending time with her friends at yoga class.
Joy and Jerry knew when they got married that they wouldn't be able to have children of their own, and so after much time and consideration they decided to try and adopt. The two of them would try for years and years going through the adoption agency so that they could finally have a child they could call their own.
They didn't know or even think at the time that they would end up opening their hearts and home to an orphaned baby giraffe, but once they met Jeff -they knew he was the perfect child for their home as well as their hearts.
Poppy is a young saiga deer. Six years old at the start of the series, he and his family live on Aurora Mountain at the new Dragon City there.He goes to the same local elementary school that Kaiba's kids, Trevor and Tisha, go to. Poppy is the new kid at school. He is shy, nervous, and quiet.
Poppy encounters the new Dragon Squad of Aurora Mountain when he got lost and separated from his parents while moving to Aurora Mountain.
Poppy, despite being a shy and timid deer, is very active. He enjoys music such as learning to play the piano, steel drums, and xylophone. And, Poppy is part of the after school music club for gifted youngsters. He spends much of his time with other kids his age learning and improving their musical skills.
Lilly and Stan
Lilly and Stan Saiga are Poppy's parents. Lilly Saiga, Poppy's mother, is 31 years old at the start of the series and works at Poppy's school as a substitute part time social studies and geography teacher.Stan Saiga, Poppy's father, is 32 years old at the start of the series and works for Hamil Hyena's Law Firm as an attorney.
Poppy's family is originally from Heart Race River Village located in Open Valley Plains.
They made the decision to relocate their family to the Dragon City of Aurora Mountain due to the increase of dragon and predator attacks happening across Open Valley Plains currently.
Though the Dragon City of Aurora Mountain has its own problems, Lilly and Stan both agreed that the Aurora Mountain Dragon City was ultimately a safer environment for their child to grow up in and what's best for their family in the long run.
The Monkey Brothers
The Notorious Monkeys Brothers (or known as just The Monkey Brothers) are a famous criminal duo. Thieves and Con Artists, they are most known for their multiple train robberies.Jay-Jay (on the left) is charismatic and charming, able to smooth talk his way out of nearly any scrape with the law and even convince innocent bystanders into becoming accomplices in their crimes.
Jaxter (on the right) is quiet, but strong. A dangerous fighter that you would not want to get into a rumble with. He can knock out even seasoned fighters with a single punch -on top of his ability break through walls with his four bare fists.
Papi Juno is the owner and main chef of Papi's. 52 years old at the start of the series, he is an original resident of the Aurora Mountain Dragon City. This is the second time that he has opened and operated his restaurant, Papi's, on Aurora Mountain. Papi is a magician in the kitchen, whipping up tasty treats unlike any other you've ever heard of before.Papi's Restaurant was originally built and operated prior to the Aurora Mountain Fire; however, like much of the original Aurora Mountain Dragon City it burned down in the fire.
Papi is an old friend to the Dragon Squad having served the original Dragon Squad led by Torros many years ago and keeps a photo of them up in the dining hall of the restaurant along with a photo of the old Altri Tribe. Papi keeps up the tradition of serving the Dragon Squad, now led by Costello the Dragon, by inviting them to his restaurant for free lunch on the house.
Monitageo the Zebra is 37 years old at the start of the series, and is a music teacher who specializes in teaching both the piano and the violin to his students. He works as both a private music tutor and as a public school teacher for the after school music club for gifted youngsters.Originally from the Capitol City of Capri, located in the southern part of Andar Beach, Monitageo is a zebra of the upper class -who chose to leave his old life of wealth and privilege behind, to pursue his passion for music and teaching. After his final legendary violin performance at the Great Karnagus Hall in front of a crowd with more than 20,000 in attendance, he left his stardom music career behind to pursue teaching. When asked why he would leave the limelight at the height of his success when he obviously worked so hard to get there in the first place, he responded by saying that the only reason he worked so hard to become a legendary violin player that could earn the privilege of be invited to play at Karnagus Hall in the first place was so that he could throw the fact that he did play at Karnagus Hall back in the face of his snobbish and elitist father who didn't support his passion for music. Now, lives far away from Capri, the fame, and the fans so that he pursue a quiet life of teaching music.
Russell, age 22 at the start of the series, is a volunteer fire fighter at the new Aurora Mountain Volunteer Fire Fighter Department.As large snake, his size and strength come in handy when undoing fire hydrants, clearing debris, controlling the fire fighter water hose, and helping out his fellow fire fighters in a pinch.
Russell is one of the few snakes, along with Tyler, who have moved to Aurora Mountain since it being rebuilt. In his spare time, Russell runs a frozen snow cone stand on the side called "The Frozen Cone-bra" and sells snow cones molded in the shape of cobras, complete with blueberries for eyes and red licorice cut into the shape of a forked tongue. Flavors of cone-bras range from blue cotton candy, to yellow lemon twist, green jungle coconut swirl, and red raging raspberry.
Tyler, age 19 at the start of the series, is a green viper. He also happens to work for the Volunteer Fire Fighter Department of Aurora Mountain like his co-worker Russell.Tyler works the front desk, answers the phones, makes sure to do maintenance checks of the building and equipment, works out everyone's schedules and payroll. When the fire alarm sounds, Tyler is the one on the fire truck manning the ladder and pressure valves making sure everything is in working order so that the main fire fighters can do their job safely.
Tyler has only recently graduated fire fighter academy and only has been a part of a few fire fighter calls to put out fires. Despite this, he is easily the most valued member of the team for all the work he does to keep their department running.
Teal Hutchins, age 33 at the start of the series, is the District Fire Fighter Chief of Aurora Mountain. Teal has first hand experience with how dangerous fires can be. Teal worked under the previous fire fighter chief, Chappo the Panther, who passed away trying to fight to put out the Aurora Mountain Fire all those years ago.Teal takes after his mentor and previous fire fighter chief Chappo and runs a tightly managed ship, but is also fair. Teal leads his team of fire fighters with courage and compassion.
Teal has a long time girlfriend who he has yet to propose to. Little is known about her or what he does in his down time due to how quiet Teal keeps about his personal life.
Very much a 'mind on the mission' kind of guy, Teal tries to keep himself (and his team) focused and on track as much as possible. That said, he is not above allowing his crew to have some down time to goof around and have fun from time to time.
Joe, aged 24 at the start of the series, is an Arctic Wolf and full time fire fighter for the Volunteer Fire Fighter Department of Aurora Mountain.When he's not working, Joe practices the saxophone. A self taught musician, he plays at street fairs on his days off.
Joe is originally from the Northern Wastes -where exactly in the wastes is anyone's guess. Apparently, it is part of Arctic Wolf culture to keep the exact locations of all wolf towns and cities a complete mystery to any and all outsiders.
Joe leaves once a year to travel back up to his home town back in the Northern Wastes to visit his family during some big wolf festival where all the extended family members from all the families in each wolf town gather for a massive party that lasts an entire week.
Joe had a lot to learn when he moved to Aurora Mountain. The different cultures of animal societies in the Northern Wastes is very different than anything across Eelis NixWuAi, or Aurora Mountain for that matter. But, most of all Joe has enjoyed meeting new people and learning all about his new home and friends lives.
Rahku, aged 27 years old at the start of the series, is the emergency medic on staff at the volunteer fire fighter department.The name Rahku translated from River Tongue means 'living justly'.
A laid back leopard, he is the one in charge of administering life saving medical services in emergency situations.
Rahku is a manga and animation nerd. He loves debating and discussing aspects of his favorite manga series and animated movies with his friends online. He loves spending his down time sketching, drawing, and copying art from his absolute favorite artists, and animators.
Madam Pangolin
Madam Pangolin, age 38 at the start of the series, is a stay at home mom and mother of Robbie, her ten year old son.She works part time the local charity guild and washes dishes in the back at the Soup Kitchen for Families in Need.
Madam Pangolin also leads the local PTA meetings, and volunteers her time for all the school functions at her son's elementary school.
She's a sensitive mother pangolin who only wants the best for her baby. Madam Pangolin also works part time as a baby sitter and has looked after nearly child in her neighborhood.
Madam Pangolin loves to quilt and has been knitting and quilting for years. She has an extensive collection of handmade quilts she has made over the years that she gives away as birthday gifts, holiday gifts, 'welcome to the neighborhood' gifts,' get well soon' gifts, and 'sorry for your loss' gifts.
Robbie, age ten years old at the start of the series, is a pangolin and the only son of Madam Pangolin.Robbie plays both the piano and violin; and, is part of the after school music club for gifted youngsters.
He spends much of his time with other kids his age learning and improving their musical skills.
Robbie is friends with Trevor, Tisha, and Poppy, who all attend the same elementary school together. Robbie is in the same school grade as Trevor and Tisha; and, he knows Poppy from the same after school music club they both attend. Robbie loves to play video games when he's not practicing his music lessons. He loves racing video games, and video games about fantasy sports leagues.
Hamil the Hyena, aged 46 at the start of the series, owns and operates a law firm in the Aurora Mountain Dragon City.He works full time running his law firm and working as a lawyer.
An old friend of Kaiba and Petra, who traveled down from Hawk Lake Dragon City shortly after the Aurora Mountain Fire to bring aid to the survivors as well as join the fight against the Council of Elders and protest for the rebuilding of the Aurora Mountain Dragon City.
He legally defended protestors who were arrested on Aurora Mountain in court, for free. Originally he only planned to stay on Aurora Mountain until the protests died down, but ended up staying longer than anticipated and eventually moved his law firm permanently to the Dragon City of Aurora Mountain.
A sports fan, wine connoisseur, and long standing member of the Greater Hawk Lake Yacht Club, Hamil enjoys the finer things in life when on his down time.
Jake, aged 16 at the start of the series, is a part time worker waiter and busboy at Papi's Restaurant. Jake is a neosaur, dinosaur like species of avian reptiles that come in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes, and feathers.Jake is working a job so that he can save up money to go college. He is interested in studying natural biology and reptilian evolution.
Jake's family moved to the Aurora Mountain Dragon City recently from Open Valley Village, located in the southeastern part of Open Valley Plains.
He loves boating, fishing, and dreams of moving to Andar Beach and becoming a professional surfer one day.
Jake attends Aurora Mountain High School and is on the varsity soccer team.
Kelvin the Dragon is a roaming wild dragon from the Earth Dragon Clan.Like many young dragons from his clan, he is brash, condescending, narrow minded, and unwilling to hang out or even listen to others that aren't from his clan.
Many wild dragons across Eelis NixWuAi, regardless of Clan affiliation, are like this.
Contrary to popular belief, the Dragon Cities and Dragon Kingdom Clans are not associated with one another, but are in fact bitter rivals. The Dragon Cities are their own separate governing bodies independent of the Dragon Kingdoms and their Clans.
Dragons of any Clan are of the belief that they are superior to not only other dragons outside of their clan, but superior to all other animal species.
The Dragon Lords
The original Dragon Lords, that established the original Dragon Kingdom Clans all across Eelis NixWuAi, are part of the myths and legends that all dragons grow up hearing about.Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Electric, and Chaos are the names of the dragon clans that exist. And, each clan claims a territory for itself. These territories and clans are ruled over by their present day Dragon Lord -the leader of their clan.
The Earth Clan rules over Stone Bear Woods. The Fire Clan rules over Death Crater Valley.
The Air Clan rules over Open Valley Plains.
The Water Clan rules over Frozen Snake Lake.
The Electric Clan rules over Storm Strike Isle.
And, The Chaos Clan resides in Night Fall Woods.
Inkanyamba, the great carnivorous catfish of Greater Hawk Lake is seen by the Mekong Tribe as a living spiritual deity to be feared and respected.However, not all Tribes and peoples hold Inkanyamba in such a grand spiritual light.
In fact, the Altri Tribe hate the giant catfish and regard it as a real life devil due to Inkanyamba's known reputation for swallowing large animals (especial full grown lions) completely whole.
Inkanyamba's exact species catfish remains a mystery, as does many aspects of its life cycle in general.
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